Suffice it to say, Soteriology is an incredibly complicated field of study... and I will not be able to fully discuss it in it's entirety here... and I surely don't want to. But I'll try to simplify it so that we can better understand what the heck is going on in my brain. (or at least try)
Reformed - Doctrines and Theological concepts derived from the Protestant Reformation and it's theologians. Such as Calvin, Arminius, Bucer, Bullinger, Luther, Zwingli, and more.
Soteriology - The theological doctrine of salvation.
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As a side note, there is no reference to an apple in Genesis. It was more than likely a fig. |
Each Reformed theologian of course had differences in opinion about certain aspects to salvation, but it seems that a common thread is what's called "Total Depravity". That is, humans are completely unable to attain salvation, in any way, on their own merit. And thus putting into question Free Will. Like I said, it's complicated. We see concepts such as "The Elect", who are basically people that God has pre-destined for Salvation... and arguments as to whether God's Omniscience negates our Free Will and thus making us no more than "hopeful" to be within God's pre-chosen elect. But to be fair, we also see a sort of humility in the acceptance of our inadequacies and the incredible grace of God's love.
In this blog, however, I'd like to boil it all down to the concept of Total Depravity. Much of Reformed Soteriology and Pre-Destined Determinism is built on the idea that Human's are in a fallen state, completely corrupt as a result of Original Sin, and thus "utterly unable to choose to follow God, refrain from evil, or accept the gift of salvation as it is offered". You see, the idea is that human's are, by their very nature, Evil. Now, this idea has been pretty popular... even up into modern day biology and psychology... until now. Recent studies are showing the complete opposite. Which is interesting, especially because this study looked at more than just humans... but other "higher animals, from primates and elephants to mice" showing "a biological basis for behavior such as cooperation."
It's clear that the concept of "total depravity" is losing ground in reality because humans (or other animals) are not, by their very nature, evil. I think this study is very important in terms of understanding Soteriology because while it seems that nature is innately ugly, dangerous, callous, and in effect... evil. It really isn't.
"De Waal showed the audience videos from laboratories revealing the dramatic emotional distress of a monkey denied a treat that another monkey received; and of a rat giving up chocolate in order to help another rat escape from a trap. Such research shows that animals naturally have pro-social tendencies for "reciprocity, fairness, empathy and consolation," said de Waal, a Dutch biologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia."
And even more importantly... our Free Will is ours after all.
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The idea of world peace might actually be possible. |
1. Science overturns view of humans as naturally 'nasty':
2. Total Depravity:
我有三宝,持而保之! 一曰慈,二曰俭,三曰不敢为天下先!
I have Three Treasures, which I hold fast and guard closely. The first is Compassion, the second is Simplicity, the third is Humility.